

FILM production


10 Years of Experience In Films & Directing

With every frame, we embark on a journey, from conception to creation, breathing life into ideas that ignite the imagination. We don't just make movies; we craft experiences that linger, resonate, and leave an indelible mark on hearts.

We conceive ideas, nurture them and shape them into cinematic marvels that defy gravity and soar beyond boundaries. Our sets breathe, our characters speak, and our scenes resonate - because every detail matters.


Projects Completed

Unique Experience With films

films Directing

Unlocking the art of storytelling through the lens, guiding actors, shaping scenes and creating masterpieces

films Production

the magic unfolds behind the scenes, where dreams are meticulous crafted into reality. From the initial spark of an idea to the final, breathtaking frame on the silver screen, every aspect of filmmaking is a symphony of creativity and collaboration.

script writing

the art of weaving words into a tapestry of stories that captivate, inspire, and provoke emotion

tv shows


7 Years of Experience In TV Shows

At Lordtanner Studios, we create TV shows that offer a diverse tapestry of storytelling, from gripping dramas to hilarious comedies and thrilling mysteries. With each episode, viewers are taken on a journey of emotions, making TV a beloved form of entertainment for all.


Project Completed



10 Years of Experience In Documentary

Documentary filmmaking is a powerful medium for capturing reality and telling compelling stories. Documentaries provide a window into the world, shedding light on diverse subjects, from social issues to natural wonders.
We employ research, interviews, and real-life footage to create thought-provoking narratives that educate, inform, and inspire viewers.


Project Completed

ads and commercials


10 Years of Experience In Ads and Commercials

In the fast-paced world of modern business, captivating visual storytelling is essential. At Lordtanner Studios, we specialize in crafting dynamic. attention-grabbing Ads and Commercials that leave a lasting impression.

We believe that every brand has a story to tell, and it's our mission to bring yours to life. Through meticulous attention to details, we transform concept into unforgettable visual narratives that engage, inspire and drive results.


Project Completed

studio gadget rentals


Varieties of Media Gadget for your next production

In the heart of the filmmaking and content creation world, we are your trusted partner, your go-to resources for the cutting-edge tools that transform visitions into reality.

Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker, photographer, or a content creator seeking to break new ground, our gadget is your haven for exploration.